program vort
implicit none
! use FFTW for the Fourier transforms include "fftw3.f"
integer, parameter :: mytype = 8 ! global size integer, parameter :: n1=8, n2=8, n3=8
real(mytype), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: & ox,oy,oz, uu,vv,ww complex(mytype), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: & Ax,Ay,Az,U,V,W
integer*8 :: plan
! allocate space for real-space vorticity field allocate(ox(0:n1-1,0:n2-1,0:n3-1)) allocate(oy(0:n1-1,0:n2-1,0:n3-1)) allocate(oz(0:n1-1,0:n2-1,0:n3-1))
! initialise vorticity in real-space do k=0,n3-1 do j=0,n2-1 do i=0,n1-1
! init ox, oy, oz call vortexOmega( & ox(i,j,k),oy(i,j,k),oz(i,j,k), & xgs+dx*(i+0.5-1), ygs+dy*(j+0.5-1), & zgs+dz*(k+0.5-1)) end do end do end do
! allocate space for wave-space variables allocate(Ax(0:n1/2,0:n2-1,0:n3-1)) allocate(Ay(0:n1/2,0:n2-1,0:n3-1)) allocate(Az(0:n1/2,0:n2-1,0:n3-1)) allocate(U(0:n1/2,0:n2-1,0:n3-1)) allocate(V(0:n1/2,0:n2-1,0:n3-1)) allocate(W(0:n1/2,0:n2-1,0:n3-1))
! Using FFTW, ! forward FFT - ox,oy,oz -> Ax,Ay,Az call dfftw_plan_dft_r2c_3d( & plan,n1,n2,n3,ox,Ax,FFTW_ESTIMATE) call dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan,ox,Ax) call dfftw_plan_dft_r2c_3d( & plan,n1,n2,n3,oy,Ay,FFTW_ESTIMATE) call dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan,oy,Ay) call dfftw_plan_dft_r2c_3d( & plan,n1,n2,n3,oz,Az,FFTW_ESTIMATE) call dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan,oz,Az)
! Fourier domain stuff do k=0,n3-1 do j=0,n2-1 do i=0,n1/2
! wave-space calculation omitted U(i,j,k) = ...... V(i,j,k) = ...... W(i,j,k) = ......
end do end do end do
deallocate(Ax,Ay,Az) ! allocate real-space velocity variables allocate(uu(0:n1-1,0:n2-1,0:n3-1)) allocate(vv(0:n1-1,0:n2-1,0:n3-1)) allocate(ww(0:n1-1,0:n2-1,0:n3-1))
! Using FFTW, ! inverse FFT U,V,W -> uu,vv,ww call dfftw_plan_dft_c2r_3d( & plan,n1,n2,n3,U,uu,FFTW_ESTIMATE) call dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan,U,uu) call dfftw_plan_dft_c2r_3d( & plan,n1,n2,n3,V,vv,FFTW_ESTIMATE) call dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan,V,vv) call dfftw_plan_dft_c2r_3d( & plan,n1,n2,n3,W,ww,FFTW_ESTIMATE) call dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan,W,WW)
! rescale uu = uu*scale vv = vv*scale ww = ww*scale
! write out using Fortran direct access inquire(iolength=iol) uu(1,1,1) open(10, FILE='data_serial', & FORM='unformatted', & ACCESS='DIRECT', RECL=iol) n=1 do k=0,n3-1 do j=0,n2-1 do i=0,n1-1 write(10,rec=n) uu(i,j,k) n=n+1 end do end do end do do k=0,n3-1 do j=0,n2-1 do i=0,n1-1 write(10,rec=n) vv(i,j,k) n=n+1 end do end do end do do k=0,n3-1 do j=0,n2-1 do i=0,n1-1 write(10,rec=n) ww(i,j,k) n=n+1 end do end do end do close(10)
end program vort
program vort
! use the 2DECOMP&FFT instead of FFTW use decomp_2d use decomp_2d_fft use decomp_2d_io use MPI
implicit none
! global size integer, parameter :: n1=8, n2=8, n3=8 ! 2D processor grid integer, parameter :: p_row=2, p_col=2
integer (kind=MPI_OFFSET_KIND) :: filesize, disp integer, dimension(3) :: fft_start, fft_end, fft_size
real(mytype), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: & ox,oy,oz, uu,vv,ww complex(mytype), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: & Ax,Ay,Az,U,V,W
! initialisation of 2DECOMP&FFT call MPI_INIT(ierror) call decomp_2d_init(n1,n2,n3,p_row,p_col)
! allocate space for real-space vorticity field allocate(ox(xstart(1)-1:xend(1)-1, & xstart(2)-1:xend(2)-1, & xstart(3)-1:xend(3)-1)) allocate(oy(xstart(1)-1:xend(1)-1, & xstart(2)-1:xend(2)-1, & xstart(3)-1:xend(3)-1)) allocate(oz(xstart(1)-1:xend(1)-1, & xstart(2)-1:xend(2)-1, & xstart(3)-1:xend(3)-1))
! initialise vorticity in real-space do k=xstart(3)-1,xend(3)-1 do j=xstart(2)-1,xend(2)-1 do i=xstart(1)-1,xend(1)-1 ! subroutine identical in serial ! and parallel version call vortexOmega( & ox(i,j,k),oy(i,j,k),oz(i,j,k), & xgs+dx*(i+0.5-1), ygs+dy*(j+0.5-1), & zgs+dz*(k+0.5-1)) end do end do end do
! initialise FFT library call decomp_2d_fft_init call decomp_2d_fft_get_size( & fft_start,fft_end,fft_size) ! allocate space for wave-space variables allocate(Ax(fft_start(1)-1:fft_end(1)-1, & fft_start(2)-1:fft_end(2)-1, & fft_start(3)-1:fft_end(3)-1) ) allocate(Ay(fft_start(1)-1:fft_end(1)-1, & fft_start(2)-1:fft_end(2)-1, & fft_start(3)-1:fft_end(3)-1) ) allocate(Az(fft_start(1)-1:fft_end(1)-1, & fft_start(2)-1:fft_end(2)-1, & fft_start(3)-1:fft_end(3)-1) ) allocate(U(fft_start(1)-1:fft_end(1)-1, & fft_start(2)-1:fft_end(2)-1, & fft_start(3)-1:fft_end(3)-1) ) allocate(V(fft_start(1)-1:fft_end(1)-1, & fft_start(2)-1:fft_end(2)-1, & fft_start(3)-1:fft_end(3)-1) ) allocate(W(fft_start(1)-1:fft_end(1)-1, & fft_start(2)-1:fft_end(2)-1, & fft_start(3)-1:fft_end(3)-1) )
! Using 2DECOMP&FFT, ! forward FFT - ox,oy,oz -> Ax,Ay,Az call decomp_2d_fft_3d(ox, Ax)
call decomp_2d_fft_3d(oy, Ay)
call decomp_2d_fft_3d(oz, Az)
! Fourier domain stuff do k=fft_start(3)-1,fft_end(3)-1 do j=fft_start(2)-1,fft_end(2)-1 do i=fft_start(1)-1,fft_end(1)-1
! wave-space calculation omitted U(i,j,k) = ...... V(i,j,k) = ...... W(i,j,k) = ......
end do end do end do
deallocate(Ax,Ay,Az) ! allocate real-space velocity variables allocate(uu(xstart(1)-1:xend(1)-1, & xstart(2)-1:xend(2)-1, & xstart(3)-1:xend(3)-1)) allocate(vv(xstart(1)-1:xend(1)-1, & xstart(2)-1:xend(2)-1, & xstart(3)-1:xend(3)-1)) allocate(ww(xstart(1)-1:xend(1)-1, & xstart(2)-1:xend(2)-1, & xstart(3)-1:xend(3)-1))
! Using 2DECOMP&FFT, !inverse FFT U,V,W -> uu,vv,ww call decomp_2d_fft_3d(U,uu)
call decomp_2d_fft_3d(V,vv)
call decomp_2d_fft_3d(W,ww)
! rescale uu = uu*scale vv = vv*scale ww = ww*scale
! write out using 2DECOMP&FFT MPI-IO routines
call MPI_FILE_OPEN(MPI_COMM_WORLD, & 'data_parallel', & MPI_MODE_CREATE+MPI_MODE_WRONLY, & MPI_INFO_NULL, & fh, ierror) ! guarantee overwriting filesize = 0_MPI_OFFSET_KIND call MPI_FILE_SET_SIZE(fh,filesize,ierror) disp = 0_MPI_OFFSET_KIND call decomp_2d_write_var(fh,disp,n1,n2,n3,1,uu) call decomp_2d_write_var(fh,disp,n1,n2,n3,1,vv) call decomp_2d_write_var(fh,disp,n1,n2,n3,1,ww)
call MPI_FILE_CLOSE(fh,ierror)
! clean up call decomp_2d_fft_finalize call decomp_2d_finalize call MPI_FINALIZE(ierror)
end program vort