What's New

Check the recently open-sourced CFD application to see how 2DECOMP&FFT is used in real-world applications.

Version 1.5.847 is released. This release includes bug fixes, API improvements, and integrations with external libraries to help productivity. CHANGE LOG

2DECOMP&FFT is used in a set of teaching materials to create distributed PDE solvers using Fourier spectral method. >> More

Version 1.4.682 is released. This release includes new APIs that support overlap of communications and computations. The I/O library and halo-cell support API are also improved. CHANGE LOG

Recently, there is an MSc thesis assessing the performance of 2DECOMP&FFT, P3DFFT and FFTW's MPI interface. >> More

Version 1.1.319 is released. This version contains an IBM ESSL implementation of the FFT library, as well as a new FFTW implementation using the latest F2003 interface of FFTW version 3.3 beta1. CHANGE LOG

After a very very long wait, there is a new FFTW release of version 3.3 beta1 (and hopefully a stable version to follow soon). It has well-designed API for distributed FFT (although still based on 1D slab decomposition). 2DECOMP&FFT will be updated with a new FFTW engine soon, using the new F2003 interface (which enables guaranteed memory alignment, something hard to acheive when using the legacy Fortran interface).

Version 1.1.273 is released. This version contains performance improvements. CHANGE LOG

Presentation on code parallelisation and optmisation at the 2011 Cray User Group conference at Fairbanks, Alaska, USA. Check the DSTAR project.

Officially launched 2decomp.org to support the project.